Wednesday 31 August 2016

The Last Eminemperor

For the final Wednesday in Blaugust I present you the quiz that I've been working on almost all month, as it's been an annoying mind-worm that just wouldn't quit. Originally I thought it would be fun to do a mashup of the names of Bands and famous films and make you guess the constituent parts by decoding crude mashups of film plots and band descriptions like that video game quiz I did last year, but when I was half-way through I realised that the whole thing would just be better if it were just using the band's tunes and describing the film, which meant that I had to start from scratch again and that it pretty much had to become this big multimedia thing, and since I'm not a big multimedia person it came out like this...

Anyways, if your ears can stand my terrible late-night tone-deaf singing and your brain can survive my terrible lyrics, watch each clip and then provide a portmanteau of the name of the band that famously sings the song and a Best Picture Oscar winning film (eg. Amadonnaeus, or The Sting and the Police). As always, no using references of any kind. If you're not willing to put your ears or brain through that kind of punishment, please enjoy the following series of still images and don't press the play button on any of them. Good luck!









Thanks for joining in on all the wackiness of Blaugust 2016 with me. I've had a blast and I hope that you have too whether you've been following along or completing your own blogging challenges. I hope to keep writing here on a semi-regular basis this year, so keep dropping by for more of the same.

1 comment:

The M Cats said...

we had Stephen helping

1) Titaniback
2) Return of the kinks
3) Ghandi roses
4) aerosmillionairre
5) Rainman + ???
6) Driving miss DC
7) Led Zeppelin + ????
8) Mental as Anything + ?????