Wednesday 16 March 2016

The Varsity Quiz

Come the conclusion of Hilary term here in Oxford (the one those heathens over at Cambridge call 'Lent'), many of the big varsity matches between the two universities are soon to occur, where the sporting elite ('Blues') face off against each other for the pride of their respective institutions. It thus seemed appropriate that we have a Varsity match of our own here at the Leaflocker.

The answer to each of the following questions is either 'Oxford' or 'Cambridge', so you have at least a 50% chance to get them right. So let's find out how much you all know about this 800-year old, largely irrelevant grudge match and the institutions that just can't give it up.

1) 27 British Prime Ministers have studied at one of the universities, whereas only 14 have attended the other. Which university 'wins' in this category?

2) Punting is a popular pastime both on the Cam and the Isis, but you can't talk about punting for long at either university without being told that 'the other place' does it wrong. The traditional punt at one college has a snub-nose with a platform for the punter at one end, whereas the other has a more streamlined shape and can be steered from either end. Which university favours the single-end punts, pictured above?

3) One of the universities was founded by disgruntled scholars from the other, right back in 1209 AD. Which one is older?

4) The Lucasian Chair in mathematics is one of the most prestigious academic posts in the world, with holders including such luminaries as Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Babbage and Stephen Hawking. Which university hosts the chair?

5) Students at both Oxford and Cambridge have long worn the somewhat strange gown-and-mortarboard arrangement known as 'sub-fusc' at formal events. Students at one of the two recently voted not to have to wear it at exams, but the other voted strongly to keep it. Which university is crazy enough to want to keep the damn thing?

6) The Boat Race has been held regularly between the two universities since 1829, and the current record stands at 81-79 victories (with a single tie). Which university has won more often?

7) The Ashmolean Museum is widely considered to be the oldest university museum in the world, dating back to 1678. Which university town does the Ashmolean call home?

8) A number of constituent colleges share their names between both Oxbridge universities. Above is a photograph of Jesus College, but which one?

9) This is the 'Mathematical Bridge', a curved bridge made up only of stright pieces of wood, considered so beautiful that a copy of it was made and placed at the other university. Which university town plays home to the original?

10) The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are very similar places, but the terminology is often different, and is commonly used as a shibboleth to detect infiltrators from rival institutions. One such example are the grassed squares contained within college buildings, called 'quads' at one university and 'courts' at the other. Which calls them 'quads'?

Happy quizzing. As always, leave your answers in the comments and I'll be along to judge the results some time next week.

Last week's results:

1) The Pineapple hails from South America.
2) Spongebob Squarepants is reputed to live in a pineapple.
3) 'Rough end of the pineapple' is analogous to 'sharp end of the stick', but neither end of the pineapple is very nice, so it could also be considered 'worst of a bad deal'.
4) The Big Pineapple is in Queensland.
5) The other Big Pineapple is in South Africa.
6) The Tupi were one of the native groups of Brazil and the East coast of South America.
7) Figs and Mulberries are other common collective fruit. Dragon fruit don't seem to be.
8) Pineapple Head was a Crowed House single. 
9) The Philippines grows a lot of pineapples.
10) Epiphytes are plants that grow on other plants.

Thus, everyone who participated scores a well-earned 5 points. Congratulations, to The M Cats, Michael5000 and irac.


John said...

Guess time! Hooray!

1) Cambridge
2) Oxford
3) Cambridge
4) Oxford
5) Cambridge
6) Cambridge
7) Oxford
8) Cambridge
9) Cambridge
10) OXford

Alethea said...

Can I just submit my answers as the inverse to John's?

1) Oxford
2) Oxford
3) Cambridge
4) Oxford
5) Cambridge
6) Cambridge
7) Cambridge
8) Oxford
9) Cambridge
10) Oxford

The M Cats said...

1) Cambridge
2) Cambridge
3) Oxford
4) Cambridge
5) Oxford
6) Cambridge
7) Oxford
8) Cambridge
9) Cambridge
10) Oxford

Irac said...

1. Oxford
2. Cambridge
3. Cambridge
4. Oxford
5. Oxford
6. Cambridge
7. Oxford
8. Cambridge
9. Oxford

Michael5000 said...

1. Oxford
2. Oxford
3. Oxford
4. - 10. actually, I'm going to vote Oxford for the entire ticket. Oxford all the way, baby!