Saturday 18 January 2020

Leaflocker Cryptic 002

I'm a little rusty, but in the last couple of days I wrote a crossword. I am filled with admiration for people who somehow manage to pump one of these things out every day. Enjoy, and let me know how you get on.
This crossword is also available in AcrossLite and printable PDF.


Irac said...

Oh I am so looking forward to this....
Did you somehow know that we have decided to look elsewhere for our crossword due to the Murdoch manipulation of our news and our wish not to encourage such behaviour.
You have saved us for another day

Unwiseowl said...

I hope it's ok.
Every time I look at it I make a tweak or two to make it better, but I figured I gotta hit the publish button sometime!

The M Cats said...

Nailed it!

The M Cats said...

We managed to get the bottom left first, then top left, then bottom right. Top right we found the hardest.

Favourite clues were 29 down, 17 across, 5 down and 36 across. It was all much fun :)