Saturday 10 August 2019

NYTC: Friday on my mind

Through a combination of poor memory and poor planning, I left myself without a whole lot of time or inclination to blog tonight. The schedule over on my trello has this little queue of titles for the next few days, but somehow none of them were ever going to work out this time around.

 I have the 'Week in Gaming' post that I was planning to do on Tuesday, but after a big board gaming afternoon following by an intense badminton evening I'm finding myself too gamed out to think about games in any meaningful way, and I'd really like to get that series rolling on a positive note.

I have a somewhat nostalgic and emotional post about saying goodbye to Oxford in the works, but it's not finished, and besides, while trying to write it keeps making me cry, the post itself just doesn't have a lot of soul. I'll take another swing at it soon, but for now I think it might be condemned to sit in the unfinished drafts box until I can make it pack a little bit more of a punch. No point making a post about emotional goodbye's if it's not emotion-inducing, after all.

There's the World Diplomacy Championships after-action report that I meant to do last Blaugust but never quite got around to. I hope that can still be salvaged, but if it's going to be any good it's going to be the sort of post that takes all day to put together, so it's no good for tonight either. The fact that it's a big post is one of the reasons that I keep putting it off, but I really would like to get around to it, which is why it's sat in the ideas pile for so long.

Then there's the black and pick tags that are helpfully marked 'Blaugust' and '?'. When I was putting together my schedule, the Blaugust posts were supposed to be riffing off of someone else's post from the last week and the ? ones were inserted into the schedule to give me a little bit of creative freedom to just do something a little bit out of left-field. Sadly, these are the sorts of posts that need a serious dose of inspiration just to get started on, and after a bit of mindless scrolling through the social media and the blogroll I realised that I just don't feel like I've got anything to add tonight.

I guess the moral of the story is that having a schedule is all well and good, it can be a great prompt to get you rolling with the whole blogging thing and a little structure can go a long way, but sometimes the best laid plans just don't survive contact with the enemy that is your own lack of focus and motivation.

I was going to just leave the Leaflocker fallow and turn in early, but I have a bit of a bad habit of biting off more than I can't chew to start off with and then giving up on Blaugusts just after the first week is done that I'm determined to break. Which is why I pointed a webcam at my face and sat down to relax by doing the crossword. Grab a cup of tea and join me if that seems like your sort of thing.

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