Sunday 30 August 2015

Blaugust 30/31: Children of "A damn"

This post is our penultimate contribution for Blaugust. I think it speaks for itself.


 1 This is the book of the line of children of "A damn". In the day that God made man, in the form of God made he him;
 2 Man and woman made he them; and wished them well, and called their name "A damn", in the day when they were made.

 3 And "A damn" lived an hundred and three ten years, and had a son in his own form, and after his looks; and called his name "Set":
 4 And the days of "A damn" after he had "Set" were two lots of four-hundred years: and he had sons and daughters:
 5 And all the days that "A damn" lived were three lots of three hundred and ten years: and he died.
 6 And "Set" lived an hundred and five years, and had "He nos":
 7 And "Set" lived after he had "He nos" three lots of two hundred six tens and one years, and had sons and daughters:
 8 And all the days of "Set" were one less than twenty lots of three lots of two lots of two lots of two lots of two years: and he died.
 9 And "He nos" lived ten less than a hundred years, and had "Can an":
 10 And "He nos" lived after he had "Can an" a number of years that is also the number of the flying car from "Lost", and had sons and daughters:
 11 And all the days of "He nos" were a number of years which is the name of a song on The Who's "Who Are You": and he died.
 12 And "Can an" lived seven tens of years and had "Mad hall all hell":
 13 And "Can an" lived after he had "Mad hall all hell" a number of years two times that of a number used to mean burning and breathing not allowed leaves that make people feel relaxed, and had sons and daughters:
 14 And all the days of "Can an" were twenty and six lots of three tens and five years: and he died.
 15 And "Mad hall all hell" lived a number of years that is the lowest number that is also how big the long sides are on more than two right cornered three-sided forms with all sides whole numbers, and had "Go red":
 16 And "Mad hall all hell" lived after he had "Go red" ten years less than "Can an" lived after he had "Mad hall all hell", and had sons and daughters:
 17 And all the days of "Mad hall all hell" were one hundred and four twenties less one lots of five years: and he died.
 18 And "Go red" lived two times three to the power of four years, and he had "He knock":
 19 And "Go red" lived after he had "He knock" two less than ten hundred years, and had sons and daughters:
 20 And all the days of "Go red" were six times all smaller whole numbers and two lots of five times all smaller numbers and two years: and he died.
 21 And "He knock" lived the number of years "Mad hall all hell" lived before he had "Go red", and had "Me truth hell ah":
 22 And "He knock" walked with God after he had "Me truth hell ah" three hundred years, and had sons and daughters:
 23 And all the days of "He knock" were the number of days in a year years:
 24 And "He knock" walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
 25 And "Me truth hell ah" lived a number of years that is also a number used to mean killing a person, and had "Lie met".
 26 And "Me truth hell ah" lived after he had "Lie met" two years less than the first seven numbers each to the power of three, and had sons and daughters:
 27 And all the days of "Me truth hell ah" were three tens and one less than ten hundred years: and he died.
 28 And "Lie met" lived as long as his father lived after "Lie met" was made, and had a son:
 29 And he called his name "No ah", saying, This same will relax us concerning our work and struggle of our hands, because of the ground which the god hath damned.
 30 And "Lie met" lived after he had "No ah" three ten and five lots of ten and seven years, and had sons and daughters:
 31 And all the days of "Lie met" were seven hundred seven ten and seven years: and he died.
 32 And "No ah" was five hundred years old: and "No ah" had "She him", "Him", and "Jump hairs".

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