My blue jacket and red shirt betray my support for Norwood in the SANFL (or the state Australian rules competition, for Americans and other aliens). The Redlegs have actually had a pretty decent season and might be the only team that can stop Central Districts from winning their fifth flag in a row.

And you'll just have to trust me that my underclothes show my support for Aston Villa, the Premier League team I started supporting a few years ago, mostly in order to antagonise my brother, who is a fan of Liverpool. If you're wondering how I have maroon and cyan underclothes then you are, firstly, more aware of soccer that I would expect of a reader of this here blag; and secondly, in need of a reminder of an old cricketing tail-ender's adage (if you wear a pair, you might get a pair, but you'll have a pair [yep, that's about as sophisticated as sporting adages get]).
Tie Number:005
Designation: Tie-ota
Provenance: Purchase, 2002
Manufacture: Rembrant, Australia
No. of Comments: 3 (Moderate)
Most Favourable Comment: "School tie?"
Least Favourable Comment: "Is that a St. Michael's Tie?" (asked by a former schoolmate. We did not go to St. Michael's)
Observations: I love school ties. And best of all, I have another one, exactly the same.
Carn da FOOTIE!
I believe I said St. Peter's. Unless someone else also misidentified the tie!
All I knew was that it was a tie I did see on a regular basis in our house, and I forgot I hung my tie outside my brother's room. Oh excuses!
Crap, I missed footie colors day!
Go Ducks!
What's going on? I'm missing the daily posts...
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